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Uni Life and Books: The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls

Alright! So, since my freshman year at university began, I have had literally ZERO time to actually touch or read a book that I liked (okay, maybe I'm exaggerating a BIT, but it sure feels that way!). However, over Thanksgiving break I definitely plan on catching up with my Stephen King next to a cup of steaming hot chocolate ;). Thus, I shall simply talk about a memoir that I had to read for my discernment and discourse class (AKA: ENGLISH).

And without further adieu...

Towards the beginning of this semester, probably close to the end of September, I read The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls, a memoir about her life and growing up amidst poverty and 2 irresponsible and aimless parents. For a good part of her early childhood, Walls and her siblings moved around the country, never staying long due to her father's unrealistic ambitions and unwillingness to hold a job for too long. This book talks about the true American Dream, and how it is not as idealistic and simple to achieve. In order to achieve the American Dream, one must define their OWN dream and pursue it, paying no mind to the naysayers and oasis-es that lay in his/her path. In fact, Jeannette and her siblings fought to survive the poverty their parents placed them in, and eventually set out to conquer their own aspirations so that they would have to continue living in destitution.

In total, I definitely enjoyed this memoir. It gave a powerful message about the American Dream, and I loved the symbolism associated with the "Glass Castle". I'll write a list below of some notable symbolism, but go off and read the book!


-Glass Castle: Transparency of the father's dream.

-Glasses: Seeing the truth

-Breaking down of the house: breaking down of family relationships and seeing the reality of the situation

-Emerald City (I shouldn't have to explain this)

And more!

Tell me in the comments below of what you thought. Also, feel free to give me suggestions on what to read next!

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